Obama V Clinton

Obama V Clinton
Democratic Dissension

Wednesday, 2 April 2008


A Democrat in the White House; It should have been a lock. The US has a Republican leader with the lowest approval rating of all time, an unpopular war, an economy one magnanimous trading day away from a recession and a health care system that leaves much to be desired. The US public is vying for change but to what extent? The 2008 Democratic nomination has been the most revolutionary in the history of US politics, regardless of who wins; a black man, and a woman will have the greatest chance in history of sitting in the Oval Office. However is it too much? The election has become a media circus. Two candidates who seem to mirror one another on policies seem differentiated only by character. All while John McCain visits Bush at the Whitehouse. Have the Democrats effectively killed off any chance of winning this? Has the staunch and divided support between the candidates divided them to the extent that an election “they could not lose” is lost? Is anyone actually focusing on the politics anymore? A dark June is just around the corner.

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