Obama V Clinton

Obama V Clinton
Democratic Dissension

Monday 28 April 2008

Introducing the 2008 Democratic Nominee Al Gore?

The Saviour Of The Divided Party?

Al Gore's name is being thrown around the higher echelons of the Democratic party. The bitter competition between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama has left many Democrats convinced that neither can deliver a knockout blow to the other and that both have been so damaged that they risk losing November's election to McCain. Gore, was Bill Clinton's vice-president and has since won a Nobel Peace Prize and an Oscar for his work on green issues. He remains an influential figure eight years after he beat George W Bush in the popular vote but lost the White House after the Florida recount fiasco. He has infamously offered no backing to either candidate.

Opinion polls show Mr McCain stretching his lead over both Obama and Clinton, whose campaigns are engaged in a daily cycle of attacks, character assassination and recriminations on religion, race and the economy. If neither candidate has the 2,025 delegates needed to win the nomination, and if both appear unable to beat McCain,a group of about 100 "super-delegates" could sit out the first ballot in Denver, preventing either candidate winning outright, and then offer Mr Gore the nomination for the good of the party. Effectively wasting hundreds of millions of dollars and hours from campaign members and public fund raising. The fate of the Democratic nominee could in essence be decided by 100 men and women and given to neither of the candidates. Al Gores potential run on the office was raised last week in Time magazine by Joe Klein, and has been discussed on the main cable news networks, CNN, Fox and MSNBC.

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